
08 to 09 December 2022 Trier, Germany

Annual Conference on Countering Terrorism in the EU 2022

Insights into Anticipating, Preventing, Protecting Against and Responding to Terrorism

Published 2 years, 1 month ago (updated 1 year, 11 months ago)


This annual conference will analyse the latest developments in the European Union’s response to the threat of terrorism, with a focus on the various means and methods to anticipate, prevent, protect against and respond to terrorism, from the perspective of both law enforcement and the judiciary, as well as other actors in the field.
It will look at the actions being implemented since the adoption of the EU Counter-Terrorism Agenda and evaluation of EU rules on combatting terrorism, law enforcement early detection capacities, tackling terrorist content online, how to deal with foreign fighters and lone actors, as well as the reintegration and rehabilitation of radicalised individuals into society. An update will be given on how terrorist financial flows can be better detected, how public spaces and critical infrastructure can be better protected and what is being done against firearms trafficking.

Key topics

  • Latest EU actions based on the EU Counter-Terrorism Agenda and evaluation of EU rules on combatting terrorism
  • Anticipating and preventing terrorism: law enforcement perspectives, early detection capacities, tackling illegal content online, dealing with foreign fighters and lone actors, rehabilitating and reintegrating radicalised individuals into society
  • Protecting against terrorism: measures to better protect public spaces and critical infrastructure, dealing with firearms trafficking
  • Responding to terrorism: Europol’s and Eurojust’s latest insights, FIU insights on clamping down on financial flows, strengthening support to victims.

The conference is addressed to ministry officials, prosecutors, law enforcement officers, judges, defence lawyers and NGOs.
It will take place in a hybrid format.

For more information on the programme, fees, registration, etc., please navigate to the conference website.