
14 to 15 December 2023 Luxembourg, Luxembourg

A Practical Guide to the Infringement Procedure

How to Respond to Commission Investigations and Avoid Court Cases

Published 10 months, 1 week ago


EU infringement procedures: respond persuasively to Commission allegations, avoid the risk of a court case, a condemnatory ruling and potential financial sanctions for your national administration.

Key Topics

This course will offer a professional insight into the infringement procedure, analysing in detail the role of the Commission and the position of the Member States.

Hence participants will be able to understand and distinguish the capacities and prerogatives of both actors, determining the different respective administrative and procedural strategies, which they can resort to throughout the procedure.

The course will equip national officials with the right methodology to improve the capacity and quality of ones national administration responses to Commission investigations on alleged infringements.

In the potential scenario of the initiation of the jurisdictional phase of the procedure, the course will also help to select the right defence strategy to improve ones state’s position during the litigation.

In case of a final condemnatory ruling after the procedure, this course will show tips on how to comply with the judicial decision as swiftly as possible and hence avoid a new procedure, under Article 260 TFEU.

Who should attend?

  • Public sector employees, in charge of or involved in the transposition of EU law and state officials and legal counsellors answering / preparing the defences of the state in all stages of the infringement procedure, irrespective of the level of government or origin of the case (i.e. national, regional and local level).
  • State agents acting before the CJEU and pleading on behalf of their states in infringement proceedings.
  • Private practicing lawyers, consultants and other interested actors from the private sector, who wish to update their knowledge on the infringement procedure and obtain a comprehensive overview.

Details on the program, fee and registration can be found on the course website.