
06 to 11 August 2023 Manaus, Brazil

32nd Annual Meeting of the International Police Executive Symposium (IPES)
Policing, Rule of Law, Organized Crime

Published 1 year, 6 months ago

IPES is pleased to announce the Call for Papers and your participation in the 32nd Annual Meeting of IPES. IPES invites proposals for paper presentations, panels, posters/exhibits, or innovation showcases.

All papers presented at the meeting will be considered for publication in a post-conference volume in IPES Book Series, Advances in Police Theory and Practice. In addition, IPES is also launching a peer-reviewed journal, The Journal of Best Practice and Research in Policing. Conference papers may be submitted to the journal for publication consideration.

The meeting will be in Manaus, on the banks of the Negro River, the capital of the vast state of Amazonas. This intense meeting will be interspersed with a rich cultural program, fun, and enjoyment.
Details on the program, fee and registration can be found on the event website.