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Case C-671/18

Case Information Subject Matter Stage of Proceedings

Centraal Justitieel Incassobureau, Ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie (CJIB) v ZP

Type of proceeding
Reference for a preliminary ruling
Referring court

Sąd Rejonowy w Chełmnie (Poland)

Council Framework Decision 2005/214/JHA of 24 February 2005 on the application of the principle of mutual recognition to financial penalties - party’s right to an effective defence before a court - refusal ground if the party residing in the State enforcing the decision did not have a real and effective opportunity to protect his rights at the pre-litigation stage of the proceedings due to not having been given sufficient time to respond to the notification of the imposition of the penalty in a proper manner - Liability of persons in whose name a vehicle is registered

Law Enforcement Cooperation Procedural Safeguards
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Request Judgment